Saturday, February 3, 2018

Children Discipleship Classes in Ixcamilpa

After distributing shoebox gifts in the villages of Ixcamilpa, we are committed to leading the 12-lesson follow-up discipleship program of “Operation Christmas Child” for the children to continue to learn about Jesus through the Bible.  However, logistically we cannot travel out to these isolated
villages every week to give class.  Instead, a team will be visiting every other week to teach two or more classes on each trip.  Our weekend trip end of January was dedicated to children Bible classes!

As always, the trek out to these villages is tedious- poor Jemina
got carsick and threw up everywhere during the two hours of curves through the mountains (even Paco who is driving starts to feel carsick by the end!). Then, we got stuck behind a huge herd of cattle walking down the road!  However, as always, the trip was worth the effort.
Upon arriving, we had the village speakerphone (the way to spread news around the village) announce the children’s classes and invite everyone from the nearby villages.  Maria, the lady who controls the speakerphone, was surprised to see us, explaining: “My daughter dreamt just this week
that you would return to teach her more about Jesus!”  When 6-year-old Briana, her daughter, entered, her face immediately brightened and she came to give me a hug. 

39 children attended classes this weekend- ranging from ages 4-14 years old.  They
loved the games and prizes, but, more importantly, there were very attentive to the memory Bible verses and Bible stores of each class.  By the end, I have no doubt that even the youngest attendees understood the main point: Disobedience to God is sin; sin deserves a punishment; the punishment for sin is death;
we need a Savior!

The children were not the only ones excited to see us visit!- two older men (including Don Chava who is almost blind) arrived at the auditorium even before the children as soon as they heard that Brother Paco was there!  Other parents
arrived bringing their children.  The people of the village continue to be honored that Paco would travel out to be with them a couple times a month, and seek him out for friendship, advice, and the Word of God.  Fortunately, Jemina fell asleep during our first children’s class so Paco
was able to gather the 15 adults present and lead an adult Bible study while the children were in class (with Jemi asleep in the stroller beside him).  

More Village OCC Events- in Cuatlaxtecoma and El Organal

On another trip out to Ixcamilpa, we lead two other Operation Christmas Child events in neighboring villages.

Cuatlaxtecoma is a tiny village of only 112 people.  The village auditorium was covered in goat and donkey manure, mixed with the dust (obviously the village
herds passed through the auditorium on the way to grazing.)

When the children heard about a kids’ party, they rushed to attend.  About 35 children arrived (practically all the children of the village!) and were thrilled with all the
games, songs and Gospel presentation.  One girl in particular, Anayeli (12 years old) was especially attentive to the Gospel and confidently shouted “Me!” when we asked who wanted to become a child of God believing in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for forgiveness. 

The children were so surprised that there was a shoebox gift from Jesus for each one of them!
One boy received a flashlight, and was so excited that now he would have light to walk to the bathroom at night (a definite necessity in this area, as many makeshift bathrooms are located
outside the house simply enclosed by a curtain.

Later in the afternoon, we lead a children’s event in the slightly larger village of El Organal.  There, over 55 children heard the Gospel and received their shoebox.

The children were not the only ones grateful for our presence- their parents were profusely grateful for our attention and love to their children.  One family in Cuatlaxtecoma invited us to their home (outside kitchen) after the event – where we ate tortillas hand-made over a woodburning stone stove,
beans, and peanuts – all prepared from the family’s own harvest.  Another family in El Organal invited us back another day to go hunting with them, or join them for their watermelon harvest- as a show of thanks for our presence.

Visiting OCC Events around Tlaxcala State

After unloading the shoeboxes from the big Operation Christmas Child truck, Paco and I have the joy of visiting all the OCC events in participating churches around the state of Tlaxcala.

Such a variety of events!- some in small villages, others in cities;
some in established churches, others in church plants just starting; some with 200 children, others with 50 children; some inside, some outside… but all with prepared with love for the children and for our Lord!

The children are all so thankful
and pleased with their shoebox gifts!  (Because I look obviously American, many children come up to personally thank me for their gift. I remind them that it is not from me, but from Jesus who loves and knows them!)

This year I was touched by one
boy, Antonio, age 7, who, after opening his shoebox, approached to ask me what a little box was that he had received.  I explained that it was a toothbrush holder.  He face immediately dropped: “But I don’t have a toothbrush.” Praying, I started to search through his shoebox with him
(thinking: surely whoever packed a toothbrush holder packed a toothbrush as well!)- and, sure enough, we pulled out a new toothbrush and toothpaste.  Antonio was thrilled!  He immediately opened his toothbrush to store it inside his new toothbrush holder.

Though the gifts are exciting, the most important part of each event is the presentation of the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ.  The children will lose/break/outgrow/finish their shoebox gifts, but the gift of eternal salvation and peace and hope in the Lord will never ever fade. 

Some of the participating churches do not have much experience in presenting the Gospel to children in a visual,
concise, easy-to-understand way. In those churches, I had the honor of sharing the Good news with the children in the event!  What a joy to spread the precious gift of Jesus Christ to so many children!