Thursday, July 27, 2017

"SUBMERGED" VBS in Tlaxcala: Lord's provision amidst obstacles

Vacation Bible School did not seem like a possibility this year- but the Lord provided in every obstacle!!


1. We did not have enough volunteers to lead the camp this year: multiple families at our church started new businesses or got new jobs which would not allow them time off to serve at VBS.  However, a misión
team of 6 people from California arrived to help us the very week of VBS! Plus, members of a nearby church in Puebla also joined us!  We had more than enough adults to receive every child!

2. Resources were scarce to plan a whole VBS program this year, when High Point Church of San Diego mailed us the LifeWay “Submerged” VBS package that we needed!  What
provision of the Lord!

3. The rain this summer has been more abundant than normal- covering our unfinished church construction with mud and puddles.  Where would the children sit and play at VBS if everything is covered in mud?  However, in an answer to prayer, no rain fell the couple days before VBS so we could get everything clean and decorated.  And, even when
hurricane-like rain, wind and hail fell on Tuesday afternoon, the decorations were still standing with minimal mud on the floor for VBS the next day.  The Lord certainly controls the weather!


60 children participated in our “Submerged” VBS week- where they “submerged” into the Word of God to
learn that Jesus goes deep into their lives: knowing them, loving them, and saving them.  They amazed me by memorizing 6 Bible verses this week- amidst the many other game, craft, song and snack activities that they enjoyed.  Many family members joined us on Sunday morning for the closing ceremony and celebration meal.  Two families have already expressed interest in joining our church- for the children’s program
and youth group. 


Praise the Lord for His provision to make this VBS possible, and for each life that He touched through it!


1 comment:

  1. Amazing and wonderful things that our heavenly Father is doing through Paco, Eileen and now baby Jemina. Praise God for his goodnees!
    Love you guys. May God continue to bless you.
