Monday, April 10, 2017

Children's Graduation in Ahuashuatepec!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is being taught even in the isolated village of Ahuashuatepec, Tlaxcala!


Paco and I were invited to witness and participate in the graduation celebration of the children’s discipleship program.  Our hearts were warmed to see the Lord’s work in this very rural area! 


The children’s classes there were held under a tree outside the tiny home of one of brothers, where a 60-year old man, with very little experience with children’s ministry but lots of love for the Lord, taught their weekly classes. 


For the graduation, a large tent had
been raised over the patio where parents (including unbelievers) gathered to accompany their children.  The pastor led the worship singing rather-off-key but full of joy. We loved to see the children recite Bible verses they had learned during the classes, and present a Bible story they had studied.


I shared the Gospel message with the children and their parents and Paco taught a passage from Mark 1.  They brothers there were so thankful for our participation.  But we were even more blessed to witness the Lord’s work in the children and their community even with their limited resources.


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