Monday, January 9, 2017

"Operation Christmas Child" in a village without a church

On one of his exploratory trips around the state, Paco found a humble, elderly family of believers in a small village without a church.  They were very interested in sharing the Gospel with the children of their area, but needed the support of a church body.   Our team connected them with a church in a nearby city, and an “Operation Christmas Child” evangelistic event was planned right in their patio!-even among the cows,
calves and dogs that usually inhabit their yard J.


Over 130 children attended!- all from very humble means, dressed in old clothing and many with dirty faces.   All the children and many parents listened attentively to the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ. And the kids were thrilled with their
shoebox gifts!


The family of believers were so thankful to be part of spreading the Gospel, even in their very limited situation (in finances, education, and experience).  They even prepared tortillas and salsa, and hot punch over an open fire, to serve to all the guests.


“Operation Christmas Child” unites the universal Church, not only connecting a nearby church body to serve alongside this isolated family of believers, but churches in the United States to serve alongside churches in Mexico through the shoebox gifts! 


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