Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Operation Christmas Child" at Church Plant in Misiones Community

We held an “Operation Christmas Child” event again this year at the church we are initiating in the Misiones community- for 156 children and family members!


With balloons, music, and an inflatable bounce house on the basketball court directly beside our church room, many families were attracted to the fun.  After games and songs, we presented the Gospel message of our sin, Jesus’ life, sacrifice on the cross, resurrection and salvation for those who repent and believe in Him.  Every child present raised their hand to express their desire for Jesus to be their savior. 


As a physical example of God’s love for each child, and Jesus’ free gift of salvation offered to each one, we gave out the “Operation Christmas Child” shoeboxes.  The children, and even parents, were so excited! 


Mario, 8 years old, said that his
favorite gift was the Gospel booklet he received, because “it tells about Jesus” (as he excitedly informed us).  He even told his mother: “Look, Mom, this book tells us about Jesus!”


Ivan, 10 years old, received a pair of shoes in his shoebox.  His mother, with tears in her eyes, approached Paco to thank him, and ask who had sent these beautiful gifts.  Paco explained how believers in the United States, with much love and prayer, sent each box so that children here could know Jesus’ love. 


Ivana, 6 years old, exclaimed: “Jesus sent me what I needed!”, while holding a pair of flip-flops from her shoebox.  Her mother explained that just the night before she had thrown away Ivana’s old, broken flip-flops.


We continue to pray that the Lord would raise up His church in Misiones! And that many of these children and their families will continue to seek the Lord through our weekly discipleship. 


Monday, January 9, 2017

"Operation Christmas Child" in a village without a church

On one of his exploratory trips around the state, Paco found a humble, elderly family of believers in a small village without a church.  They were very interested in sharing the Gospel with the children of their area, but needed the support of a church body.   Our team connected them with a church in a nearby city, and an “Operation Christmas Child” evangelistic event was planned right in their patio!-even among the cows,
calves and dogs that usually inhabit their yard J.


Over 130 children attended!- all from very humble means, dressed in old clothing and many with dirty faces.   All the children and many parents listened attentively to the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ. And the kids were thrilled with their
shoebox gifts!


The family of believers were so thankful to be part of spreading the Gospel, even in their very limited situation (in finances, education, and experience).  They even prepared tortillas and salsa, and hot punch over an open fire, to serve to all the guests.


“Operation Christmas Child” unites the universal Church, not only connecting a nearby church body to serve alongside this isolated family of believers, but churches in the United States to serve alongside churches in Mexico through the shoebox gifts! 


Christmas Dinner at Misiones Church Plant

Our church in Misiones dedicated our Christmas service to include families that have visited us throughout the year, but not yet submitted their lives to Christ: to show again them His love and reemphasize His Gospel of salvation to these families that need Him.


Each member of our still-tiny
congregation in Misiones prepared part of the Christmas dinner to share with these families, and Paco shared the message of Christmas as presented in the Bible.  We continue to pray for each of these families- that as Jesus was born at Christmas, Jesus would give new birth to each of them this new year.