Friday, December 2, 2016

"First-fruits" Service of Thanks to God

In the Bible, the first-fruits festival was the opportunity to offer the first agricultural produce of the harvest to the Lord.  This offering reminded the people that all they have is from the Lord and for the Lord, and that He provides for their every need. 


With same spirit of thanksgiving and praise to our Lord and provider, our
church celebrates a similar festival each year, incidentally the same week as American Thanksgiving (which makes me feel like I get to celebrate Thanksgiving even though I am in Mexico J ).  Instead of bringing a portion of a crop, each family brings a box of groceries (which we “harvest” from the aisles of the supermarket, with the income the Lord has provided this year).  These groceries are then set aside for families in need
around our church.


During the service, each family stands together to give a testimony of how the Lord has provided and sustained them during this last years.  Our testimony time is always accompanied by many tears of joy. 


Paco and I were especially joyful, and teary J, during our thanks this year- the year the Lord gave us our daughter, Jemina; a perfectly healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby.  He completely changed our lives this last year, and continues to amaze us with His power and provision and great love.  What could we ever offer that is worthy of our Great God who has given us everything?!  Our thanks cannot compare to all He has done
and continues to do…


After our service, the church family shared a potluck meal.  I brought sweet potato casserole and jello salad- my personal Thankgiving favorites- for our Mexican thanksgiving meal.  Such a special time!


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