Thursday, December 22, 2016

Youth "White Christmas" Party

Our youth had a “white Christmas”- even here in Tlaxcala with 70 degree weather this year!


Using shaved ice, the youth built tiny snowmen, and had a “snow” (or ice) fight.  They went cross-country ski racing – on wooden “skis” over the concrete.  It even “snowed” during our party!- when candy showered the
youth from our traditional Mexican-Christmas piƱata.


Though snow is practically unknown among our youth, we did appreciate how we can each have a “white Christmas” in Christ.  Teaching from Psalm 51, we read how God can make us “white as snow” through His forgiveness, offered through the
shedding of Jesus´ blood on the cross for us.  Jesus´ coming, remembered at Christmastime, has made our lives “snow white”!


Distributing Shoeboxes to Churches in the State

After the arrival and unloading of the “Operation Christmas Child” trailer, the real work is just beginning!  We then distribute those 10,000 shoeboxes and discipleship materials to churches around the state, who will plan the evangelistic events for the children and the follow-up Bible classes. 


During 4 straight days, churches arrive at the storage unit to fill their trucks with shoeboxes, children’s Bible workbooks, teachers’ guides, and New Testaments.  The packed warehouse empties in just a few days, as all that material is sent into the communities. 


Just another step in “Operation Christmas Child” ministry that gets the Gospel to children worldwide... 

The shoeboxes arrived!

The “Operation Christmas Child” shoeboxes arrived!


We never know the exact date the shoeboxes will arrive until the big trailer rolls into town, and we rush to gather volunteers to unload at the storage unit. 


This year, almost 20 people gathered to do the tiring work of unloading the trailer, counting every shoebox, and organizing the boxes in the storage unit.  Though exhausting, the work is
joyful, remembering that each shoebox unpacked is an opportunity for a child to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Over 10,000 shoeboxes arrived in our tiny state of Tlaxcala this year; may over 10,000 children know the love of Jesus through them this Christmas season!


Friday, December 2, 2016

"First-fruits" Service of Thanks to God

In the Bible, the first-fruits festival was the opportunity to offer the first agricultural produce of the harvest to the Lord.  This offering reminded the people that all they have is from the Lord and for the Lord, and that He provides for their every need. 


With same spirit of thanksgiving and praise to our Lord and provider, our
church celebrates a similar festival each year, incidentally the same week as American Thanksgiving (which makes me feel like I get to celebrate Thanksgiving even though I am in Mexico J ).  Instead of bringing a portion of a crop, each family brings a box of groceries (which we “harvest” from the aisles of the supermarket, with the income the Lord has provided this year).  These groceries are then set aside for families in need
around our church.


During the service, each family stands together to give a testimony of how the Lord has provided and sustained them during this last years.  Our testimony time is always accompanied by many tears of joy. 


Paco and I were especially joyful, and teary J, during our thanks this year- the year the Lord gave us our daughter, Jemina; a perfectly healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby.  He completely changed our lives this last year, and continues to amaze us with His power and provision and great love.  What could we ever offer that is worthy of our Great God who has given us everything?!  Our thanks cannot compare to all He has done
and continues to do…


After our service, the church family shared a potluck meal.  I brought sweet potato casserole and jello salad- my personal Thankgiving favorites- for our Mexican thanksgiving meal.  Such a special time!


Church Picnic Day!

Our church held its first family picnic day!


We invited the whole church family to nearby park for a time of fellowship.  Because the majority of our congregation does not have a car, we rented a bus to transport the group to and from the park, which allowed everyone to attend (even the
underprivileged members).


The park was fabulous: playground equipment, a maze, rock-climbing wall, barnyard animals and nature expositions.  Plus, open grassy areas for our group games: 3-legged and wheelbarrow races, balloon hop, human knot, and more. The games had adults and children alike laughing
and playing. 


The event was a huge success: 65 people attended.  Some were family members of people in our congregation, and we were pleased that others could experience the love of our church family and, Lord-willing, be drawn to know Christ for themselves.