Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mexico National Conferences: "Operation Christmas Child"

Each summer, coordinators of “Operation Christmas Child” from each of the now 32 Mexican states gather with 2 goals: 1) to celebrate the Lord’s work in children’s evangelism and discipleship the year before, and 2) encourage and direct the new “Operation Christmas Child” season in the coming year (which starts as early as September in each participating state!).


This year, the national conferences were held in Puebla.  Therefore, our Tlaxcala and Puebla state teams had the privilege and responsibility of preparing and hosting this major event. 


Our teams spent the last six months preparing details of the event: planning decorations and banners for
the hotel, renting the sound equipment and practicing with the music team, coordinating traditional Pueblan snacks and a tour of Puebla for the guests, wrapping hospitality gifts for each state, printing paperwork for the registration table, and much more. 


What a blessing to meet and
fellowship with over 150 fellow OCC workers from around the country!  We were encouraged and challenged by testimonies of states who deliver the Gospel of Christ to children in dangerous communities (where kidnappings or gang shootings are commonplace), or to indigenous children in remote villages who have never heard of Jesus.  Also, through the informative conferences, our team has renewed direction for this
upcoming OCC season- to train more churches and teachers in our state for children’s evangelism and discipleship.


Our months of work preparing for this event were well worth the effort- Paco and I feel like our family has expanded through meeting fellow brothers in Christ serving in other
states.  Many are praying for us, and all are excited about the upcoming birth of our daughter.  Praise God for the workers He sends to the children of Mexico!

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