Saturday, August 13, 2016

Jemina Mercy is born!!

Jemina Mercy López!!!

Our daughter, Jemina Mercy, was born on Sunday, August 7, 2016!

She was 5lbs 12 oz, 49cm of pure beauty!

An amazingly blessed delivery: after only 6 hours of labor and 7 pushes, our little Jemi slid into our arms!

Our hearts, arms, and nights!, have never been this full!

Words cannot express our joy and thanks to our loving, Creator God for the gift of our
daughter!!  We have waited for her for years


Meaning of Jemina Mercy = "New Day" of "Mercy"

It is the name of Job's first daughter (in LBLA translation)

Job 42:14-15 "Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful
as Job’s daughters..."

As Biblical Jemina was Job's special gift and evidence of God's presence and mercy in his bitter trial, so is our daughter Jemina Mercy after our trial of infertility.

We praise God for the "New Day of Mercy" that He has started for us!!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mexico National Conferences: "Operation Christmas Child"

Each summer, coordinators of “Operation Christmas Child” from each of the now 32 Mexican states gather with 2 goals: 1) to celebrate the Lord’s work in children’s evangelism and discipleship the year before, and 2) encourage and direct the new “Operation Christmas Child” season in the coming year (which starts as early as September in each participating state!).


This year, the national conferences were held in Puebla.  Therefore, our Tlaxcala and Puebla state teams had the privilege and responsibility of preparing and hosting this major event. 


Our teams spent the last six months preparing details of the event: planning decorations and banners for
the hotel, renting the sound equipment and practicing with the music team, coordinating traditional Pueblan snacks and a tour of Puebla for the guests, wrapping hospitality gifts for each state, printing paperwork for the registration table, and much more. 


What a blessing to meet and
fellowship with over 150 fellow OCC workers from around the country!  We were encouraged and challenged by testimonies of states who deliver the Gospel of Christ to children in dangerous communities (where kidnappings or gang shootings are commonplace), or to indigenous children in remote villages who have never heard of Jesus.  Also, through the informative conferences, our team has renewed direction for this
upcoming OCC season- to train more churches and teachers in our state for children’s evangelism and discipleship.


Our months of work preparing for this event were well worth the effort- Paco and I feel like our family has expanded through meeting fellow brothers in Christ serving in other
states.  Many are praying for us, and all are excited about the upcoming birth of our daughter.  Praise God for the workers He sends to the children of Mexico!

VBS "Out Of This World"!

Our Vacation Bible School this summer was “out of this world!”- with an outer space theme as we studied the life of Abraham (who was called “out of his world” by God to travel from Ur to Canaan, who had to live different than the world/Sodom and Gomorrah around him, who did “out of this world” feats of faith, like combating 4 kings and offering his son as a sacrifice!)


Each day, we “blasted off” into the depths of the Bible to discover the wonders God has for those who seek Him- through a daily Bible lesson, a daily memory verse, worship songs and dances, a kitchen station, a craft station, and a game station.


The results were truly “out of this world!” – each year, the Lord
continues to amaze me with His faithfulness and work in each child and volunteer during VBS. 

Testimonies this year:

-55 kids attended the camp!

-The children memorized 5 full Bible verses- one each day.  Even 5-year-old Ivana could recite the verses by the end of the week!

-The Lord provided a full volunteer staff!  Only 2 months ago, when we started preparing for VBS, barely 5 people from our church could commit to serving, but God opened their schedules and hearts the week of the event, and we had many volunteer hands to love and serve the children.

-Energy and health for me at 36 weeks pregnant was definitely the work of the Lord!- a couple days I came home
from the camp waddling and drooping from exhaustion, but was renewed each day the following morning.

-A full crowd of parents and family members attended the closing VBS ceremony on Sunday, where each heard the Gospel message and stayed for fellowship meal afterwards.

-At the closing ceremony, 3 families expressed an interest in studying the
Bible with us to know Christ more!


We trust that God’s Word will not return empty, and that each verse, song, lesson and truth planted in these 55 children will give fruit to salvation in Jesus Christ!


Summer Youth Retreat!

-Each year, we pray about a location for our annual youth retreat- something financially accessible for the low-income families of our youth group.  As always, the Lord provided in abundance!   A pastor in Atlixco, Puebla opened his house and church facilities without cost for our entire event, and even offered to prepare all of our meals!  Every youth at our church, and many guests, were able to attend the retreat!


-Of the 17 that attended the retreat, 7 were new to the youth group.  The retreat was a fabulous opportunity for these seven youth to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and connect with our group!  After forming friendships with these new youth at the retreat, we can now continue inviting them to participate in our weekly Bible studies.


-The forecast predicted storms all weekend in Atlixco- and we had made plans to swim at the pool! We had been praying for perfect weather all week, but when the weekend dawned overcast and gray, I was sure our plans would be ruined.  However, our God is greater!  Against all odds, the weather in Atlixco was hot and sunny all weekend long- without even a sprinkle of rain!


-Moving 17 youth an hour and a half away is a struggle with only our minivan.  However, the Lord provided transportation for our event!  One mom (new to our church!) volunteered to drive youth out in her car, and then, on the return trip, the pastor in Atlixco offered to take youth back in his vehicle.  Such abundant provision for our transportation need!

The Lord used the retreat to renew the excitement and commitment of our youth to our group and the study of His Word!  We look forward to the opportunity to teach and grow along with the new youth that joined us this special weekend.