Saturday, November 21, 2015

Men's Malinche Mountain-Climbing Excursion

The men’s group at our church planned a “manly” outing: to climb the nearby Malinche Mountain. 


The November weather was perfect for the experience: dry, clear and cool (which is a miracle considering that normal Malinche weather is rainy, foggy and freezing!)  The men were able to appreciate the breath-taking
views of Tlaxcala from 14,500 feet up!

Amazingly, one of the participants was an 80-year-old man who kept pace with the rest of the group: 6 hours up and 3 hours back! 

Any “manly” experience would not be complete without a barbeque: and the guys recovered lost energy barbequing taco meat at the bottom of the mountain, celebrating their


Our prayer was that the experience would bless and unite the men of the church, as well as provide an opportunity to invite and minister to men outside the congregation.  Of the 8 men that attended, 3 were non-church visitors.  May the love and unity of Christ’s church continue to
draw others to Him! 

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