Saturday, November 21, 2015

Men's Malinche Mountain-Climbing Excursion

The men’s group at our church planned a “manly” outing: to climb the nearby Malinche Mountain. 


The November weather was perfect for the experience: dry, clear and cool (which is a miracle considering that normal Malinche weather is rainy, foggy and freezing!)  The men were able to appreciate the breath-taking
views of Tlaxcala from 14,500 feet up!

Amazingly, one of the participants was an 80-year-old man who kept pace with the rest of the group: 6 hours up and 3 hours back! 

Any “manly” experience would not be complete without a barbeque: and the guys recovered lost energy barbequing taco meat at the bottom of the mountain, celebrating their


Our prayer was that the experience would bless and unite the men of the church, as well as provide an opportunity to invite and minister to men outside the congregation.  Of the 8 men that attended, 3 were non-church visitors.  May the love and unity of Christ’s church continue to
draw others to Him! 

Kids' Bible Club in Misiones

Our new church in Misiones has a mid-week Kids’ Club!  We play games, eat snacks, make crafts, study the Bible and memorize Bible verses.


Starting a Kids’ Club is a challenge!- I never know how many children or what ages to expect.  Only 2 kids attended our first class, but by the end of the month our class had grown to 9
(from the ages of 5 to 13!)


About half of the children have had some previous exposure to the Bible and teaching about Jesus, but all of them seem to have a great need for Christ in their lives.  Two of the boys arrived one day bloody and winded after fighting with other boys on the street.  A girl in the class expressed (in
words and actions) hatred of other boys in the group.  My prayer is that the truth of God would transform their lives and perspectives- even at their young age!


The Lord has given me grace with the children- who now visit to greet me almost daily at our church building.  One 6-year-old even told his mother
that he no longer wanted to go to “the other school” (elementary school), but from now on only wanted to attend kids’ club classes J.  May the children be equally attracted to Jesus!

Prayer for "Operation Christmas Child" in Tlaxcala!

The “Operation Christmas Child” project, through Samaritan´s Purse, is a huge ministry!


It starts with believers in first-world countries who pack and give the shoeboxes, then the Samaritan´s Purse teams that ship the boxes to third-
world countries around the globe, then to the state teams that distribute them to the churches, then to the local churches who deliver the boxes and share the Gospel with the children, and finally to the teachers who disciple the children in the following months. 


We are convinced that each step of
this process, as well as its ultimate goal of bringing children to salvation through Jesus Christ, would not be possible without the power and blessing of the Holy Spirit.


Representatives of the participating churches in our state of Tlaxcala gathered to pray for each step of this ministry, including each donor, each
Samaritan´s purse team member, each Sunday school teacher, and each child.  May the Lord pour out His salvation over the children of Tlaxcala, Mexico, and the world this Christmas season!   


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Church Inauguration: HORIZONTE MISIONES!!

It is official: Horizonte Misiones Church has initiated activities in the Misiones community!!


To celebrate our very first Sunday afternoon worship service, we invited friends from our beloved church in Tlaxcala and Puebla to join us.  Our tiny “church building” was filled to the brim with friends, as well as one new,
visiting family.


The event was perfect! The Lord even placed a double rainbow in the sky above us!  Youth from our youth group prepared the worship music, which produced quite a few teary eyes of joy as we sang of the Lord’s faithfulness to His promises calling us to this new ministry.
Then, Paco’s first pastor, Sergio, from Puebla, shared the Bible message, and both he and our Tlaxcala pastor, Moises, prayed for our Misiones church-planting team. 


Afterwards, we enjoyed a time of fellowship with cake and coffee.  With so many happy people crowded into our church room, right on the main
street of the community, we definitely made our presence known among the people passing outside.   


After this inauguration service, we will start new weekly activities: a Tuesday kids’ Bible club, a Thursday Bible study, and a Sunday afternoon worship service.  We are also offering homework tutoring three days a week
as a way to meet and serve children and families in the community.


We are convinced that the Lord has initiated this work, and we trust that it is the Lord who will complete it!  May He work through us to call out His people in Misiones to know Him!


Renting a Worship Space in MISIONES

After 8 months of leading a home Bible study in the Misiones community (outside of our town), our ministry there seemed to be coming to an end.  Our hostess moved from her house, leaving us without a space to gather and continue our Bible study.  But, the Lord had bigger plans!...


Now that a house study was no longer an option, we searched around the community for a building/room to rent.  After an exhaustive search, the Lord miraculously directed us to a room in a commercial plaza, at a reasonable rent price.  It is small, but it has electricity and r
unning water (unlike other places we looked at), and it is perfectly located!!  The room is directly on the main street through the community, above a tortilleria (where every family come for tortillas daily) and beside an internet cafĂ© (where kids come to do homework each afternoon).  Plus, in front of the plaza is a play area: basketball hoop, slide, swings, tables and benches. 


With much excitement and lots of prayer, we started renting the space: our new “church building” in Misiones.  Now, our mid-week home Bible study has the opportunity to expand into many other activities now that we have a building to use full time!  May the Lord continue to guide us to spread His Word of truth throughout the Misiones community!!