Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Youth reading the Bible!!!

         Our new youth series for the fall is “personal Bible study”.   Our goal is for our youth to regularly read their Bibles, understand the content, and apply it to their lives (not a small goal!) 

Each week, we study a section of the “Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew 5-7, and teach the youth to mark their Bibles, answer reflection questions, and apply each discovered
truth to a real-life situation.  Then, for homework, we assign chapters from the gospel of John to read and comment. 

         We have been so pleased with the youth´s participation in this new study!  So far, they have been faithfully finishing their weekly Bible reading and marking verses that stand out to them.  We know that the Lord
will continue to speak to them and direct their lives as they continue searching His Word!!

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