Friday, September 11, 2015

Service Project in Misiones- repairing a roadside stand!

Our home-church in the Misiones community had a service project!

We met to clean, paint, and cover the roadside jewelry stand of one of the ladies in our group.  Anita’s stand was falling apart- and subsequently soaking her and her hand-made merchandise with every rain storm (which occurs daily this time of year!).  She desperately needed a new-coat of
paint on her rapidly-rusting metal structure, and a new cover firmly installed overhead.

Half an hour into the project, a thunderstorm hit and rain and hail poured, halting our progress.  But, we were not discouraged!  The rain stopped after an hour and allowed us to finish the project.  Anita was thrilled! And ready for the next
rainstorm over her jewelry stand!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Training in Guadalajara: Samaritan´s Purse Children´s Discipleship

         Paco, along with two other men from our Tlaxcala regional team, attended a Samaritan´s Purse national certification conference in Guadalajara, Jalisco.  During their three days of conferences, they were trained in using and presenting the children´s discipleship program “The Greatest Journey”, in order for them to subsequently present and train the churches in Tlaxcala with the same material.   

         Paco was richly blessed on this trip- not only by the comfortable hotel
and tours around beautiful Guadalajara, but by the contagious passion of the national and international Samaritan’s Purse team for children evangelism and discipleship.  He returned saying “I love this ministry!!” and planning new ways to improve our ministry in Tlaxcala.  We are so thankful for the Samaritan´s Purse brothers who make these certification conferences
accessible to ministers around the country!


"Festiniños" (Operation Christmas Child) Church Training

          We held our first “Festiniños” (or Operation Christmas Child) training session for the local Tlaxcala churches who will participate in this ministry this year. 

At this first session, 47 churches attended.  We love this ministry because it unites Christian churches from all denominations- allowing us to work together as the Body of Christ to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ!

At these church training sessions, not only do we introduce them to the Samaritan´s Purse ministry and resources, we also give them helpful tips and training for leading outreach events for children and sharing the Gospel with kids. 


Tlaxcala "Festiniños" Team: Starting Up 2015-2016 Season!

         “Operation Christmas Child” is not just a December operation!  Our ministry through Samaritan´s Purse starts in August finding and training local churches to use the resources offered through Samaritan´s Purse in order to evangelize and disciple children, and continues through May!. 

         Our Tlaxcala regional team meets once a week to prepare for our church training sessions and plan our ministry

around the state.  We are blessed to have a large, diverse regional team of brothers from different denominations- all committed to Jesus´ great commission of forming disciples!


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Youth reading the Bible!!!

         Our new youth series for the fall is “personal Bible study”.   Our goal is for our youth to regularly read their Bibles, understand the content, and apply it to their lives (not a small goal!) 

Each week, we study a section of the “Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew 5-7, and teach the youth to mark their Bibles, answer reflection questions, and apply each discovered
truth to a real-life situation.  Then, for homework, we assign chapters from the gospel of John to read and comment. 

         We have been so pleased with the youth´s participation in this new study!  So far, they have been faithfully finishing their weekly Bible reading and marking verses that stand out to them.  We know that the Lord
will continue to speak to them and direct their lives as they continue searching His Word!!

VBS "Super-Saved" at Pan de Vida Orphanage

       During our visit to Pan de Vida orphanage, we directed the “Super-Saved” vacation Bible school for 30 of the youngest children at the home.  Everyone had blast!  It was the perfect way for us to get to know many of the new children there that we had not met before.

         The Pan de Vida youth participated in VBS leading kids´ groups and activity stations.  We
thank the Lord for the opportunity to interact with not only the little kids but with these youth as well.  One of the youth girls, Velia, commented that the Bible lessons each day had even expanded her view of Jesus Christ!

         We held a VBS closing ceremony for the kids at their mid-week church service, where each group presented a Bible verse and worship song, and received their crafts from the week.  Their faces were priceless!- they acted like they were receiving a special gift when we handed them the super-hero crafts they had created.
         We pray that the Lord would continue to reveal Himself to these
special children- with all his super-power!


Visit to Pan de Vida Orphanage Family!

         We visited our beloved Pan de Vida family at the orphanage in Queretaro!  It was so wonderful to see everyone!  We fellowshipped with the girls, talked with the volunteers, and visited the older-girls´ transition house.

         Of course there are always changes occurring at Pan de Vida: with new buildings or additions, new children and volunteers arriving, other
children and volunteers moving on.  We marveled to see “kids” that we had left are now “youth”- more mature and serving!  Some of our “youth” that we had left are now “adults”- with jobs and responsibilities.  Some of our volunteer friends are now parents!  Wow!

Paco felt right at home during our visit when he was asked to give the
message at the mid-week church service and help with some construction and maintenance projects.  He welded a proyector stand for the auditorium and repaired doors and shelves in the orphanage kitchen.        
A week is never enough time to visit everyone and catch up with all the news, but we thank God for our special visit and for His sustaining hand over this beloved ministry.