Saturday, August 8, 2015

"Super-Saved" Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School at our church was SUPER-AMAZING and SUPER-BLESSED by the Lord!

Our superhero theme this year, “Super-Saved”, presented Jesus Christ as the ultimate superhero: with His power over darkness, over nature, over demons, over sickness, and even over death itself!  Already by the second day, when I interviewed the
children asking “Who is your favorite superhero?,” the majority answered “Jesus!”

We all- children and adults alike- had an amazing time!  One girl, only halfway through her first day, commented: “I wish this camp would never end!”

After the Bible lesson each day, the kids rotated through different stations which reemphasized the message in fun new ways: in the kitchen station, the kids crafted Jesus´ miracles using food and snacks; in the craft station, the kids painted superhero masks, belts, shields and more; in the game station, they attacked “villains” and “flew” through super obstacle courses; and in the music station, they danced and sang of Jesus´ super power. 

77 children participated in total, with about 60 children each day.  Even more amazing is the number of parents/family members who attended our Sunday service for the closing ceremony!  All the children and many of their parents heard the Gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ!  Praise God!

To serve that many children, about 30 adults/youth from our church participated to make VBS possible (decorating, teaching, leading crafts, taking kids to the bathroom, etc.), not counting the whole church body that prepared and served food for the kids´ and families at our Sunday service.  The whole church was united and serving together during this event- it was beautiful. 

Yes, Jesus´ super power was once again manifested this last week at our church through His abundant blessing over this event, and His powerful salvation acting in the lives of children and adults alike. 




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