Sunday, August 9, 2015

Youth Camping Lock-In

We turned our church building into the perfect campground for our summer youth lock-in.

The youth had a blast- whether throwing water balloons out in the hot sun or singing songs around the indoor campfire while rain poured outside. They even made chores fun, as we cooked dinner, set-up tents, and cleaned the church for service the
following morning!

Later the rain finally stopped, offering the perfect opportunity to send off floating lanterns into the dark sky. 

During our Bible study time, Paco taught from Daniel 6, challenging the youth with the Word to strive to be influential rather than popular.

Three new youth joined our group for the first time for the event, and were immediately included into our “family”. One of the new boys even asked the youth with surprise: “Do you all always get along so well?” I smiled to see our youth answer without hesitation: “Actually, we do!” Only the Lord can create such unity and love in a group like this, which is obvious even to outsiders.


Praise God for His blessing over these youth and work in their lives.


Inviting Churches for "Operation Christmas Child"

This month we start searching out and inviting churches around the state of Tlaxcala to participate in “Operation Christmas Child”- an evangelistic and discipleship program for children through Samaritan’s Purse. 

Our search involves driving through town after town and asking for Christian churches, or for people who read and study the Bible. 

In one tiny town, Acuamanala, we searched street by street without finding a single church. We began to wonder if the Gospel was present at all in the area.  However, when we stopped to purchase an ice cream cone from a street vendor, and casually asked if he knew of a Christian church in the area, he responded, with a surprised look, that a group of believers studied the Bible at his very
house!  What sovereign direction from the Lord to lead us to His body!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Evangelism in Misiones Community

Every two weeks, we have been leading one-on-one evangelism around the Misiones community (the community outside of town where we lead a weekly home Bible study). 

Armed with evangelistic tracts, sunblock, and lots of prayer, we wander the parks and streets of the residential area talking to neighbors about the Gospel of salvation through
Christ.  The Lord has certainly gone before us, as the message has been well received.  Some have even requested New Testaments to read!

Apart from the regular Bible study attendees, some of our youth have also joined us in our evangelism outings.  Not only is the Word of Truth being spread around Misiones, but our youth are learning to share their

"Super-Saved" Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School at our church was SUPER-AMAZING and SUPER-BLESSED by the Lord!

Our superhero theme this year, “Super-Saved”, presented Jesus Christ as the ultimate superhero: with His power over darkness, over nature, over demons, over sickness, and even over death itself!  Already by the second day, when I interviewed the
children asking “Who is your favorite superhero?,” the majority answered “Jesus!”

We all- children and adults alike- had an amazing time!  One girl, only halfway through her first day, commented: “I wish this camp would never end!”

After the Bible lesson each day, the kids rotated through different stations which reemphasized the message in fun new ways: in the kitchen station, the kids crafted Jesus´ miracles using food and snacks; in the craft station, the kids painted superhero masks, belts, shields and more; in the game station, they attacked “villains” and “flew” through super obstacle courses; and in the music station, they danced and sang of Jesus´ super power. 

77 children participated in total, with about 60 children each day.  Even more amazing is the number of parents/family members who attended our Sunday service for the closing ceremony!  All the children and many of their parents heard the Gospel of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ!  Praise God!

To serve that many children, about 30 adults/youth from our church participated to make VBS possible (decorating, teaching, leading crafts, taking kids to the bathroom, etc.), not counting the whole church body that prepared and served food for the kids´ and families at our Sunday service.  The whole church was united and serving together during this event- it was beautiful. 

Yes, Jesus´ super power was once again manifested this last week at our church through His abundant blessing over this event, and His powerful salvation acting in the lives of children and adults alike. 




Climbing the Malinche Mountain with Youth Group

Our youth group tackled and conquered the mighty Malinche mountain of Tlaxcala.

(Well, I guess we almost conquered- we arrived past the tree line after 4 hours of hiking, though the summit was still another 2 hour hike away!)

 The Malinche is a 14,636ft inactive volcano what straddles our state of
Tlaxcala with the neighboring state of Puebla. 

The hike was beautiful, though steep in some places.  A couple of our youth were ready to give up about halfway, but the rest of the group rallied to encourage and help when they tired.  Paco even tied a rope from his waist to one of the girls to pull her along.

The Lord certainly blessed our outing- no accidents, amazing fellowship among the youth, and perfect weather.  We marveled that the rain started exactly as we were driving away from the mountain- dry in the car! 

After the 6 hour hike, we all enjoyed a well-deserved restaurant dinner in Tlaxcala´s capital. On the way home, everyone (except Paco, our driver) slept in the car.