Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baby Shower for New Nephew

Paco and I are blessed with a new nephew: Paco´s sister, Erika, gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy on August 25th.  We had the movie experience of getting the 4am telephone call that she was having bleeding and labor pains, and rushing into the ER, and pacing in the waiting room for news of a healthy birth.  We loved being the very first ones to meet and hold our nephew. 

The ladies of our congregation had been planned a baby shower for Erika, but the baby beat us to it!  So, the baby was

presented at the shower just 6 days after his birth.  It was a joyous time.  We all prayed for Erika and the baby, and Erika said a special prayer of dedication of her son to the Lord.

Erika felt very special to be supported and loved by the sisters in the congregation.  As a single-mom, she is overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility, but I know the Lord confirmed His promise to care for Her and her children by blessing her delivery and showing her the love of His body, the church.


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