Thursday, March 12, 2020

Prayer for "The Greatest Journey" Discipleship

The "Operation Christmas Child" ministry continues even after Christmastime! 
The children who received shoebox at evangelism events are invited to "The Greatest Journey": a 13-week discipleship program at their local churches to learn more about Jesus through the Bible. 

This discipleship needs PRAYER!! 
Most families happily send their children to Christmas party events for them to receive gifts, but then adamantly deny their children permission to attend a weekly Bible lesson at a Christian church.  Only the Holy Spirit can work to open doors for the Bible, and transformation
in the children and their families. 

The 70 participating local churches in our state of Tlaxcala joined together for united prayer for this discipleship: for the children, their families, the Bible teachers, the churches, the communities, the Samaritan´s Purse organization and leaders, and more.

After our prayer session, we gave the churches the opportunity to share testimonies of the Lord´s work in their discipleship programs so far this season: and our mouths were left open!  Stories of a man healed when a Greatest Journey teacher prayed, of children who received shoeboxes and
the Gospel on the street who are now faithful participants in the discipleship, of a church who had zero students attend the second lesson but then prayed and prayed and now have 15 students attending.... now we wait to hear more miracles in answer to our prayer for the remainder of the season.

Kids´ Club Explosion!

Kids´ Bible Club if offered every Friday- with games, songs, crafts and snacks to emphasize our weekly Bible lesson. We are currently studying the Gospel of John.  

During the years of our church plant, kids´ club attendance has varied greatly. Recently, we normally have about 8 students. However, this month, we had 17 children attend our Friday class!  

Though the club is designed for 6-12 year olds, everywhere from age 1 to 14 arrive and participate. It is really a special group- all the older help direct the youngers in love. 
Obviously the Holy Spirit is present and active in these children. I thank the Lord for each one that He has set apart as His children.

Sunday Church Service OUTSIDE!!

Our church has a "good problem"... our growing congregation barely fits inside our church building! (Now, I am not talking about hundreds of people. For our rented space, anything over 40 people is pusing the seams).

We have prayed that one day the Lord would add more people to His church so we could make regular use of our new, outdoor tent structure; though honestly we were imagining it would be toward the end of 2020.  But, already, at the end
of February, we made the offical move: our Sunday worship services will officially take place outside!

Logistically, we are still working out details: purchasing necessary sound cables, installing better electrical conections, praying about a proyector and screen for worship songs and announcements, forming a team for weekly outdoor set-up and take-down, and many other details. But we are excited!  Fortunately, the
Lord "planned" this move after our cold winter season. Our current 70 degree weather is inviting outside :) 

Marriage Conferences for Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day, love is represented by paper hearts and chocolate.  However, on Valentine's Day at Calvary Grace and Truth, we wanted to represent love through God's perspective revealed through the Bible.

The "Singular" ministry arrived with a speaker, Dave, from Atlanta, Georgia and representatives from Queretaro, Mexico to challenge and equip the couples from both our and our sister congregation to effectively show love to one another. 

The workshop-style conferences specifically focused on communication skills- like eye
contact, physical contact, and active listening. 

During the application session, many couples had tears as they shared and listened to their spouses facing one another knee to knee. 

We were pleased to hear of a couple of the pairs implementing these practical communication tips even the week following the conferences.  We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to unite these couples and trasform them in His image of

Servant training

Our small church is growing! As well as the needs of the congregation and opportunities for ministry!

Obviously, we can not serve this growing church alone, nor is that the Lord's plan! He wants all of His children to serve in His example. 

Paco started offering regular "servant training" meetings, to any interested, in serving the church- where we not only study Christ's example of service in the Bible, but also discuss and delegate needs and ministry opportunities we witness in and around the church. 

Gosh!- the Holy Spirit is certainly moving and building up a team of servants. Already this month we have seen so much initiative in the participating brothers: arriving early to pick up trash outside, coming midweek to change the sink fixture, planning a women's gathering, washing the coffee mugs, cleaning the children's classroom after service, and more.  What a joy to witness the Body of Christ in action!!

Valentine's Day Women's Fellowship

I so look forward to our weekly women's Bible study at Calvary!! As our small church grows and new women add to our group, our studies are enriched by their testimonies of the Lord's work in their lives.  Tears are frequent as we comfort eachother with promises from the Word. Gosh- many of these women come from very difficult circumstances! Their faith is such a light in their darkness. 

We celebrated our friendship and sisterhood in Christ with a Valentine's Day breakfast along with our Bible study. 

The Lord is obviously forming a special, sisterly
bond in our group, as one lady invited everyone in our study to be her bridesmaids at her summer wedding!