Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mother's Day Church Gathering

Our church has lots of mothers: new mothers, single mothers, working mothers, one mother of 16 children! (with more grandchildren than she can even remember!), even a great-great-grandmother!  And, of course, mothers-to-be (including myself as we await the arrival of our first child this summer J).  Obviously, we have many reasons to celebrate and give thanks to God for the mothers in our congregation.

The women gathered for a time of food, games and fellowship- which included many, many laughs.  The event was very uniting for the women of the church- offering the opportunity to fellowship with a couple new women who have just started attending this month.   We also prayed together to ask the Lord for strength and wisdom to continue on in our
daily ministries as mothers!


Training In Veracruz for Children's Discipleship

Representatives of 8 states in Mexico (including Paco and myself from the state of Tlaxcala) gathered in the gorgeous, coastal city of Veracruz to receive training for our children´s discipleship ministry through the Samaritan´s Purse organization. 


We were challenged: to train and encourage more believers around our
state as teachers to disciple children!  Not only do we serve as mediators to distribute Samaritan´s Purse resources to the local churches, but also, our greater task, is to train them to evangelize and teach the Bible to children effectively.  Paco and I both returned with a renewed vision and plan for the next Operation Christmas Child season.


Such a blessing!  Besides our training and conferences, we had the opportunity to fellowship with believers from other states, as well as enjoy our gorgeous location in Veracruz. Our hotel was located directly on the beach, with a pool- perfect for the hot summer weather.   Our “business” trip felt more like a vacation! 


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Graduation "The Greatest Journey": Children's Discipleship Program

Our church had a big reason to celebrate last weekend- actually, 25 big reasons to celebrate!  25 children completed the discipleship program “The Greatest Journey”, distributed through Samaritan´s Purse. 


During twelve lessons, these children learned the basics of faith in Christ: their Creator, loving God, their sin,
their punishment, Christ´s sacrifice and salvation, how to live as children of God, and the importance of sharing their faith with others. 


         Our graduation ceremony included the participation of each graduating child: the recitation of a Bible verse by memory, the presentation of a worship song, or
Bible lesson skit.  Each child proudly received their diploma and New Testament gift recognizing their accomplishment, and then was celebrated with a potluck lunch afterwards.


         The children´s families also attended the event- even parents and family members who never attend
church!  We pray that the children´s testimonies of learning to follow Christ, as well as the Biblical message, touched their lives to know Jesus Christ themselves.