Monday, April 27, 2015

"Children's Day" Evangelistic Fair!!

Our church celebrated “Children’s Day” with an evangelistic fair- open to all the children and families of our community.  Almost 100 children and their families attended!!


Each family in our church prepared a snack for the kids and set up a fair game.  Our auditorium was filled with fun!- sack races, shoot-a-hoop, ring
toss, bingo, bean-bag toss, puzzles, fishing for prizes, and more!  Plus we rented an inflatable bouncer, which really caught the children’s attention. 


After a couple hours of fair games and food, we presented the Gospel message of salvation- through children’s worship songs, Bible verses, and a mime skit (of a mime trying to
enter heaven, which is impossible unless he is with Jesus).  100 children and many parents heard the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ!  Every visiting child received a booklet about Jesus and a New Testament. 


We praise God for His abundant blessing over this event- which united
our church body (all working together to make this event possible) as well as spread the Gospel to our neighboring community. 


Celebrating Osbaldo's Freedom from Prison!!

Osbaldo, our fellow church leader, was unjustly accused of a serious crime, tortured, and imprisoned for seven months.  Our entire church family grieved and prayed for him and his wife and children during his long absence.


When our great and powerful God unexpectedly freed Osbaldo from imprisonment and cleared him of all charges this week, our church family was overjoyed, to say the least.

We surprised Osbaldo with a homecoming party on Friday night!  There were many teary eyes upon welcoming Osbaldo and witnessing him reunited with his wife and

Surrounded by the church family, he gave testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness to care for him, even in his darkest moments in the prison, as well as of the amazing opportunities he had to share the Gospel and encourage other prisoners with Scripture during his imprisonment.  He certainly was a God-directed
missionary to those prisoners! 

Afterwards, we shared a time of thanksgiving and of prayer, not only for direction and provision for Osbaldo and his family, but also for other prisoners and the Lord’s continued plans in their lives and in the ministry at the prison.


Mission in Misiones Community- New Bible Study!

Since February, we have held a weekly Bible study in Misiones- a community outside of our town. 


A lady from our congregation, Anita, lives there, and cannot often attend services because the community is too far from our church.  After much prayer, and confirmed vision in both Anita’s and our hearts, we felt the
Lord calling us to start a mission in that community.


Our study group is currently small, between 6-10 people- which, for the moment, is appropriate for Anita’s tiny house (like most of the houses in Misiones).  But we continue to pray for and invite others to join us in studying the Word of God and


Parents' Gathering: Monthly Bible Study

Our church initiated a new monthly Bible study directed toward the parents in the congregation: how to apply God’s Word of truth to their families and parenting. 

In the past couple months, attendance has grown- both by couples and single mothers.  The study is interactive, as each parent shares from their own experiences of raising children in
accordance with Scripture. 

This month, Paco led the study of 2Timothy  chapter 1, comparing Paul’s relationship to Timothy with a parent’s relationship/responsibility to his children. 


Easter: Celebrating Resurrection Sunday

Easter (or “Resurrection Sunday” as it is known in Mexico) was an extra special day of rejoicing with our church.  In his Bible message, Paco reiterated the eternal and life-altering power of Jesus’ resurrection. 

After many individual testimonies of thanks and songs of worship,
the congregation enjoyed a meal together, followed by ice cream.  The fellowship then continued with rounds of volleyball and children’s games. 

In our day of rejoicing as a family in the faith, we marvel that we are only united by Jesus’ death and resurrection.


ZOO with the Youth Group

Easter week is spring break all over Mexico- and the perfect opportunity for a fun outing to the zoo with the youth group!


The sunny day was perfect for wandering, observing the animals, a picnic lunch, card games and football.  We were pleased that two new girls to the group attended the outing and are already forming friendships among the group.    


“Jesus” Film in Misiones Community

On the Thursday before Easter, we presented the “Jesus” film in Misiones- a community outside of our town. 

We rented the community centered, passed out flyers and invitations on the street, prepared popcorn and refreshment, and prayed that the Lord would call His people to hear the Gospel of Jesus. 

38 people attended the film, including many children (who jumped at the opportunity for a free movie and popcorn!).  After the movie, Paco reiterated the Gospel message of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and repentance from sin.  A few people even requested a Bible after the gathering!

We continue to pray that the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ would fill the Misiones community, and that the Lord would direct us to continue His ministry there!