Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Joy for Children of Prisoners!

Though one of our fellow church leaders remains unjustly imprisoned, the Lord continues to use him to minister not only to the Tlaxcala prisoners but also to their families.  With Osbaldo as our contact, we planned an “Operation Christmas Child” event for the
prisoners´ children!


Osbaldo, inside the prison, made a list of all the children of his prisonmates, and then delivered invitations to the families during visitor hours. 


The struggle for the event was: where to hold a children´s event outside a state prison?  We asked surrounding neighbors about empty, abandoned lots in front of the entrance.  Unfortunately, we were denied
use of the closest lot when the owners discovered we were Christians and were planning an event to proclaim Jesus!  However, the Lord gave us favor and opened a neighboring lot for our use.


Even with limited decorations and no electrical access for either microphone or music in our abandoned lot, the event was a huge hit!  32 children and their families arrived, and enjoyed games, face-painting, songs, a clown show, and the message of Christ´s love and
sacrifice for our salvation.  Each family received a bag lunch, a New Testament, and the offer of prayers and church contact for anyone interested in learning more about Jesus.


The families were so grateful
for the love shown to them and their children. They seemed worn-down after visiting their family members at the jail.  One small boy was especially tearful; his mom explained he always acted like that after saying goodbye to his father at prison.  However, at the end of the event, he was happily
participating with the rest of the group!  May the Lord continue to speak to and strengthen these families in their need through His Word!


"Operation Christmas Child" in Tlaxcala

Many “Operation Christmas Child” events were held around the state of Tlaxcala this month!  (“Operation Christmas Child” is an international children´s evangelism project organized by Samaritan´s Purse)  Paco and I, along with the rest of our Samaritan´s Purse team in
Tlaxcala, had the joy of observing these events.

It was amazing to see whole churches actively serving the children of their communities and sharing the Gospel!  Some churches had small events, for
30 children, while others planned large events, for 350 children!  Some did crafts, others did games, others did children´s worship songs, but all shared the love of Jesus Christ for the children and prayed with them.  At the end of the events, each child would receive his Christmas Shoebox
of gifts as a visible symbol of God´s loving care for them. 


Many of the children live in poverty, and this is the only gift they receive at Christmas time.  One 9-yr-old boy touched Paco´s heart: he had no socks
or shoelaces (though it was cold out!), and he said he didn´t know how to read. Paco read the Gospel booklet with him and gave him his shoebox gift. He was overjoyed!

An 11-year-old boy at another
event received a toolkit in his shoebox. As Paco explained the name and function of each tool to the excited child, including the “carpenter´s pencil”, the boy declared: “Then, I am going to be a carpenter!”  This simple shoebox gave him vision for his future! 


After one event, an elderly lady, Estelita, approached us with her four
grandchildren, not only to thank us for the gifts but for the message of salvation.   She said she had resisted turning to God her whole life, but that day recognized that she needed Jesus.  She planned on joining the church with all her grandchildren to learn more!  We were left open-mouthed at
such an obvious testimony of God´s work through these events!