Thursday, November 13, 2014

End of Study: New Believers' Discipleship

The last 4 months, we joint led a NEW BELIEVERS’  DISCIPLESHIP  STUDY every Sunday afternoon. 
Nine new believers participated in the study-not only attending our Sunday session, but reading Bible chapters, memorizing a Bible verse, answering
homework questions, and learning the books of the Bible each week. 
Wow- there are too many testimonies to describe all that God did in the lives of each participant during this study.  It was truly a joy to witness their discovery of Christ’s Word and their effort to apply it to their
lives.  I was so blessed to study and learn with them. 

Just a few of the testimonies:

-Jose Luis (28yrs old) accepted Christ the day of our first study.  After two months, he shared that the church had
become his family and Christ had become his life.  He had never felt so loved before.

-Silvia, Leandro and family were new to our church when we started the study.  I cannot believe the transformation in their lives!  Silvia reads a chapter of the Bible every
evening, most times out loud to her husband (who cannot read).  She asks for prayer every week to be more loving to her husband and children.  She even counseled her sister last week to trust and obey the Lord in her problems!
Leandro, her husband, who had resisted the faith for years,
now looks for ways to bless his church family- receiving us in his home and bringing food to share on Sundays. 

-Carmen taught every memory verse each week to her two young daughters, as she memorized the verses herself. 
She and Alma (another member of the study) are so desirous to obey God that they now want to marry their husbands (instead of living in free union) and be baptized.

-Angi and Evelin have walked with Christ for years, but never read the Bible on their own.  They joined this study to reaffirm their faith and discipline their lives in regular Bible reading.  We rejoiced with them with each book of the Bible they finished reading.

At the end of our 4 month study, our group (students, teachers, and families) gathered to celebrate with a fellowship meal.  May the Lord continue to work in the lives of each of His disciples!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Training Teachers to Disciple Children

Through Samaritan’s Purse, we equip churches in Tlaxcala to not only evangelize children in their communities with the Gospel but also disciple them in the truth of the Bible.

This Saturday, children’s
teachers from Tlaxcala churches gathered to study together the discipleship program “The Greatest Journey” and learn how to use the material to guide their children toward a knowledge of and obedience to Christ. 

Our Tlaxcala team presented the children’s manual, the teacher’s manual, an example class, and even instructions on how to prepare their own children’s Bible lessons.

The event was very blessed-

with over 200 people in attendance, all with a passion to teach God’s truth to children.  May the Lord bless the work of each person and church that many children would start a journey of following Christ that would last the rest of eternity! 


Evangelism at Tlaxcala State Fair

The annual Tlaxcala State Fair was the perfect outing for our youth group- not only for a time of fellowship and fun, but also to put into practice what we have been learning in our weekly evangelism course: sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with others!

We ate hot-dogs, watched a puppet show, admired the exhibition farm animals, and browsed through the fair stands before dividing into pairs to pass out tracts and start conversations about life after death with some of the thousands of Saturday fair-goers.   

I marveled at the Lord’s work in our youth!  For many of them, just giving an evangelistic tract to a stranger took a lot of nerves, but most of them even went a step further starting a conversation about life after death and faith in Jesus Christ.  Even some of the most timid
youth talked to at least one or two people!  Most of the people at the fair were receptive to the tracts and message: two people actually thanked the youth for sharing with them, and expressed that they would share the message with their families!  The youth pumped by the experience,
and spent the whole ride home sharing stories of people they had shared with and their responses.

Some of the youth have already started to evangelize outside youth outings! Daniel (15-years-old) overheard his
friends at school talking about the Day of the Dead (popular Mexican holiday), and jumped in to ask them what happens after death, and shared with them the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ!  We pray that all of our youth were be faithful to present the Gospel where they are as well!