Sunday, June 29, 2014

World Cup Gathering with Youth Group

All of Mexico has World Cup fever!!  Everything shuts down when Mexico is playing- all the businesses close to watch the game.  And the games are shown everywhere: in restaurants, in the movie theaters, even in the elementary and middle school classes!!  Our Mexican youth
group is equally excited about the World Cup, and keep up with all the scores. 

We hosted a “World Cup Viewing Party” for the youth group at our house. Though, unfortunately, Mexico was not playing, we still were caught up in the Uruguay vs. Colombia
match.  In preparation, we made a 7-layer-chip dip (an American dish, which the youth loved!), cut pom-poms out of tissue paper, and prepared World Cup games. 

We all had a blast- between watching the match, snacking, and playing games.  Go


New Believer's Discipleship Study

During the last 3 months, six new members of our church congregation gathered weekly to study the basics of the Christian faith.  What a learning experience for everyone!!  We marveled to witness the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives!  Some examples:

-Reyna and Erika read a chapter of the Bible every day during the three month course- completing almost 8 books of the Bible!

-Salome memorized the memory Bible verse every week.

-Alicia’s non-christian husband
allowed her to attend the study- unlike in the past when he forbade her from attending church events.

-Carmelita and Lourdes attended and participated without fail- uninhibited by Carmelita’s illiteracy, or Lourdes’ almost-illiteracy. 

Much of the congregation was involved in the study, as a different brother taught the lesson every week.  A couple of the youth even taught lessons- which was the first time they had taught the Bible!  Everyone grew in our faith! 

This Sunday, we celebrated the six ladies who faithfully completed the discipleship, in front of the whole church.  Two of them have already asked for suggestions on other books of the Bible to continue studying! 

After such amazing fruits in this
study, we are praying to initiate this same discipleship program again this month, with other new members of the congregation.  May the Lord continue to perfect each one of our church in His truth!!

Father's Day

The fathers in our church were celebrated this Father’s Day (which, in Mexico, is the same date as in the United States: the third Sunday of June).

The youth presented a father’s day skit, the children gave cards of thanks, the wives prayed over their husbands, and Paco
shared the Bible message- encouraging fathers to depend on their Holy Father in order to guide their families. 

The celebration was complete with “Pipian” chicken (a Mexican sesame seed sauce), cooked traditionally in a huge clay pot supported on stones over a wood fire (in a set-up known as a “tlequil”).  (Quite a laborious meal!)  Thank God for the men in our congregation, and their continued desire to guide their families in the fear
of the Lord. 


Samaritan's Purse AWARD and INVITATION

Our church had the blessing of participating with Samaritan’s Purse in both “Operation Christmas Child” (an evangelistic event) and “The Greatest Adventure” (a children’s discipleship program).  It was an amazing opportunity for our church!!  Our whole congregation grew in
our awareness of the spiritual needs of our children, and was motivated to restructure our Sunday school program to more effectively minister to these little ones.

We are so thankful to the local Samaritan’s Purse team here in Tlaxcala, Mexico for training
and equipping us for these programs and the international Samaritan’s Purse organization for their generosity. 

After months of participation, our church, Horizonte Tlaxcala, received an award from the local Samaritan’s Purse team: 2nd place among all the Tlaxcala churches, for faithfully and transparently using the resources provided.  Wow!!  This award is a gift of the Lord showing His pleasure with our service, and a motivator for our whole
congregation to continue in our ministry to children!

Also, Paco and I were invited to serve as part of the local Samaritan’s Purse team, to organize “Operation Christmas Child” and “The Greatest Journey” throughout the state of Tlaxcala the next year!  We
are very excited to be part of such an amazing, international ministry!!  Next year holds lots of excitement for us…

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

New Worship Materials

Our worship team was proudly using new instruments, cables and stands that the Lord provided this month! 

These youth boys are very dedicated improving the worship team, and, with the talent and resources they have
(sometimes even without electricity) they faithfully provide music for our congregation. 

New Childrens' Desk Covers

With the recent growth of our children's ministry this year, our Sunday school furniture was in need of maintenance- and the Lord provided!  These new covers on the children's desk not only look better but should prolong the life of the tabletops for many more little hands and