Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Graduation! Kids' Discipleship Program

Our kids graduated!!!

After a 12-lesson Samaritan’s Purse discipleship program, “The Greatest Adventure”, the participating children were celebrated as Christ’s disciples with a formal graduation
ceremony at the church.

The ceremony was very meaningful- we reviewed the message of salvation in Jesus Christ (for both the children and their parents), worshipped with kids’ choreography,  heard testimonies of a child from
each age group who shared how important Jesus is in his life, watched the kids reenact Bible stories and truths they had learned during their classes, and applauded each child as they received their diploma and New Testament.    

The children were very proud.  They loved their homemade graduation caps (which are not commonly used in Mexico, but well-known from American movies J ), and were excited to perform on stage before their parents. 

The church celebrated with a shared meal afterwards. 

We pray that the event will encourage the children to continue learning about and obeying Jesus Christ in their young lives!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Teacher Training for Sunday School

As the “Greatest Adventure” children’s discipleship program comes to an end, our Sunday school teachers prepare for the following children's series. 

For the next studies, the Lord provided complete class
material for all age groups online free!  Yeah!  The Sunday school teachers gathered to study the new material, and discuss how to make it exciting, understandable, and impacting for the different children in the congregation. 

We are so blessed as a church,
not only with class material online, but also with an abundance of enthusiastic, dedicated children’s teachers.  Nine teachers attend about 25 children!  Though not all have teaching experience, all share a heart to share the Gospel with children.  I thank God how He blesses our Sunday school program!

Sunday School Blessings

Since starting our new Sunday School program in January, we have experienced ups and downs- when some 50 children arrived the first Sunday, but only 17 by the third class. 

However, all our dedicated teachers have prayed for the
Lord’s blessing and worked to make their classes meaningful.  And we have witnessed the Lord’s response!  More children have returned, with attendance sometimes at 30 children. 

My heart is warmed each week to see timid Ashley participate
in the games, and Lesli faithfully attend every class (begging her mom to not make her miss a week), and Angel and Hugo remember their memory verse each week.  May the Holy Spirit continue to touch their young hearts and draw them to Him!


Church Bazaar

Our church has started a bazaar!  Paco and I are now “business men” J.

With the new ministries forming in the church (more youth outings, new Sunday School program, new-believers’ study, weekly mission in the
mountains, etc.) funds have been scarce.  However, used-clothing and -goods abound!  The congregation gathered used goods from their homes and a brother offered his garage, facing a busy street, for the bazaar.  We are in business!

Paco and I are in charge of the sale.  Paco is truly in his element organizing and repairing used things, and bargaining prices.  Though it is not a huge source of income for the church, it has been an opportunity to give out Gospel tracts and form relationships with people in the community, sharing our faith in Christ.   

We pray that God will use us in the bazaar to bless the church ministries as
well as the surrounding community.